Haryana Public Service Commission
HCS (Executive Branch) & Other Allied Services Preliminary Exam 2011
Solved paper of General Studies held on 25th March 2012
1. During which decade did the population record a negative growth rate in India
a) 1921-31
- b) 1911-21
c) 1941-51
d) 1931-41
During the decade 1911-21, a negative population growth rate of -2.91 per cent has been recorded due to outbreak
of epidemic (plague) and natural calamities.
2. Which Central Government Agency is responsible for the mapping and exploration of minerals?
- a) The Geological Survey of India
b) Surveyor General of India
c) National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd.
d) Indian Bureau of Mines
3. What is Gomia in Bihar famous for:
a) Coal Fields
b) Manganese Mines
- c) Fertilizer Plant
d) Explosive Factory
Jharkhand’s Biggest explosives factory situated at Gomia.
4. SEBI is a
- a) Statutory body
b) Advisory body
c) Constitutional body
d) Non-statutory body
Initially SEBI was a non statutory body without any statutory power. However in 1995, the SEBI was given additional
statutory power by the Government of India through an amendment to the securities and Exchange Board of India Act
1992. In April, 1998 the SEBI was constituted as the regulator of capital market in India under a resolution of the
Government of India.
5. Economic Planning is in :
a) Union List
b) State List
- c) Concurrent List
d) Not any specific list
6. Lahiri Commission was associated with
a) Indsutrial sickness
b) Minimum support prices of agriculture products
- c) Price structure of edible oils
d) Handicraft export
7. “Open Market Operation” is a part of
a) Income Policy
b) Fiscal Policy
- c) Credit Policy
d) Labour Policy
8. Which of the following is used for the measurement of distribution of income?
a) Laffer Cureve
b) Engel’s Law
- c) Gini Lorenz Curve
d) Phillip Curve
9. Automatic route to FDI implies that a foreign investor bring in his capital
1. Without the approval of the FIPB
2. By informing the RBI within one month of bringing in his investments
3. By informing both the FIPB and RBI within one month of bringing in his/her investment
4. By prior permission of the RBI
Select the correct answer from the above
a) 2 and 3
b) 2 only
- c) 1 and 2
d) 2 and 3 4
10. In the context of the Indian Economy consider the following pairs:
Term Most appropriate description
1. Melt Down - Fall in Stock Prices
2. Recession - Fall in Growth Rate
3. Slow Down - Fall in GDP
Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched
a) 1 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 1 and 3 only
- d) 1, 2 and 3
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