Careerairforce.nic.in Service is Unavailable Message showing on the screen and 9th July is last date. Imag
Hello candidate, today is the last day to fill online for AFCAT 2012. If you are observing the above problems, Don’t panic. There are around 2000-4000 candidate are filling the form at a time.So, sometime it is not possible to give that much of bandwidth to all the candidates.Careerairforce.nic.in Service is Unavailable Message showing on the screen and 9th July is last date. Imag
Hello candidate, today is the last day to fill online for AFCAT 2012. If you are observing the above problems, Don’t panic. There are around 2000-4000 candidate are filling the form at a time.So, sometime it is not possible to give that much of bandwidth to all the candidates.
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