Bharathiar University (Tamil Nadu) SET Admit Card 2012-
Bharathiar University situated in Tamil Nadu, issue Admit card for SET exam. The Tamil Nadu SET exam will held on 7 October 2012. The admit card/ Hall Ticket can be download Bharathiar University SET official web portal.
Bharathiar University situated in Tamil Nadu, issue Admit card for SET exam. The Tamil Nadu SET exam will held on 7 October 2012. The admit card/ Hall Ticket can be download Bharathiar University SET official web portal.
The candidates can download their TN SET Admit Card 2012 Roll number wise.
TN SET Admit Card 2012-
The candidates who will appear in the SET examination on 7 October 2012 need their admit card for the examination. The candidates can take a print out or hard copy of their admit card from the official source. The candidates without admit card not allow for the examination.
The candidates who will appear in the SET examination on 7 October 2012 need their admit card for the examination. The candidates can take a print out or hard copy of their admit card from the official source. The candidates without admit card not allow for the examination.
How to download Admit card-
The candidates can get their admit card by following the link given below-
Bharathiar University SET Admit Card 2012
Bharathiar University SET Admit Card 2012
You have to enter your registration ID and password to get your admit card online.
Note- If you have not received your admit card by post then you can download your admit card online..
Note- If you have not received your admit card by post then you can download your admit card online..
Contact Address-
Bharathiar University
Coimbatore – 641046
Tamil Nadu.
Phone: 0422 2428195, 2428173
Fax: +91-422-2422387
Email: coeset2012@gmail.com
Coimbatore – 641046
Tamil Nadu.
Phone: 0422 2428195, 2428173
Fax: +91-422-2422387
Email: coeset2012@gmail.com
Bharathiar University (Tamil Nadu) SET Admit Card 2012, TN SET Hall Ticket download
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