www.tet.bedpunjab.org, tet.bedpunjab.org, tet bedpunjab| PTET 2013| Punjab TET 2013 | Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test Punjab TET 2013 Online Application form
About Punjab TET:
About Punjab TET:
The Government of Punjab will conduct Punjab Teachers Eligibility Test (PSTET) 2012 also known as Punjab TET , as per the formalities laid down by the central regulating authorities. Punjab TET is for the candidates aspiring to become teachers in primary (class I -V) and upper primary (VI-VIII) schools in the state of Punjab. PSTET 2012 notification will be released by the Department of School Education, Punjab OR concerned examination board as directed by the Government of Punjab. TET is a compulsory examination for all the B.Ed. qualified candidates to be considered for teacher jobs in schools run by the government and private managements. Candidates may be facilitated to apply online for this examination. Here are the details of the PSTET notification, syllabus, question pattern, eligibility details.
Eligibility and Qualifications for Punjab TET :
Candidates should have following qualifications as prescribed by the NCTE. The State governments may change the qualifications and eligibility requirements as per the GOs issued by them.
1. Punjab TET (PSTET) Qualification Teachers of Classes I-V (Paper I):
Candidates should have passed in Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45 percent marks. Those appearing in final 2 year Diploma in Elementary Education / 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) / 2 – year Diploma in Education in Special Education are also eligible. OR Candidates with BA / B.Sc. with at least 50 percent marks and B.Ed qualification can also apply.
2. Punjab TET (PSTET) Qualification Teachers of Classes VI-VIII (Paper II) : Applicants having B.A. / B.Sc and those appearing in final 2 year D.Ed. / B.A. /B.Sc. with at least 45 percent marks and passed / appearing in B.Ed / Senior Secondary with at least 50 percent marks and passed or appearing in final 4-year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed) / 4-year BA/ B.Sc.Ed. or B.A. (Ed.)/B.Sc. (Ed.) / B.Ed. (Special Education) with 50 percent in BA or B.Sc are eligible for PSTET.
Candidates should have following qualifications as prescribed by the NCTE. The State governments may change the qualifications and eligibility requirements as per the GOs issued by them.
1. Punjab TET (PSTET) Qualification Teachers of Classes I-V (Paper I):
Candidates should have passed in Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45 percent marks. Those appearing in final 2 year Diploma in Elementary Education / 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) / 2 – year Diploma in Education in Special Education are also eligible. OR Candidates with BA / B.Sc. with at least 50 percent marks and B.Ed qualification can also apply.
2. Punjab TET (PSTET) Qualification Teachers of Classes VI-VIII (Paper II) : Applicants having B.A. / B.Sc and those appearing in final 2 year D.Ed. / B.A. /B.Sc. with at least 45 percent marks and passed / appearing in B.Ed / Senior Secondary with at least 50 percent marks and passed or appearing in final 4-year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed) / 4-year BA/ B.Sc.Ed. or B.A. (Ed.)/B.Sc. (Ed.) / B.Ed. (Special Education) with 50 percent in BA or B.Sc are eligible for PSTET.
www.tet.bedpunjab.org, tet.bedpunjab.org, tet bedpunjab| PTET | CTET | Punjab TET | TET | Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test Punjab TET 2013 Online Application form
Exam pattern:
PSTET consists of two objective type question papers. Each paper will consist of 150 MCQs and each question carries 1 marks totaling for 150 marks. Following are the details of question papers:
www.tet.bedpunjab.org, tet.bedpunjab.org, tet bedpunjab| PTET | CTET | Punjab TET | TET | Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test Punjab TET 2013 Online Application form(1) Paper I: To become teachers for classes I-V in Punjab primary school.
(2) Paper II: To become teachers for classes between VI and VIII in Punjab upper primary school.
(3) Paper I and II: For those candidates who interested in teaching from Class I to VIII. They can appear for both the papers and have to get qualifying marks to be considered for all the classes.
www.tet.bedpunjab.org, tet.bedpunjab.org, tet bedpunjab| PTET | CTET | Punjab TET | TET | Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test Punjab TET 2013 Online Application form(1) Paper I: To become teachers for classes I-V in Punjab primary school.
(2) Paper II: To become teachers for classes between VI and VIII in Punjab upper primary school.
(3) Paper I and II: For those candidates who interested in teaching from Class I to VIII. They can appear for both the papers and have to get qualifying marks to be considered for all the classes.
PSTET 2013 Exam Schedule and Important Dates:
www.tet.bedpunjab.org, tet.bedpunjab.org, tet bedpunjab| PTET | CTET | Punjab TET | TET | Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test Punjab TET 2013 Online Application form1. Publish of Advertisement: 16-Dec-2012
2. Online registration process Start: 16-Dec-2012
3. Last date of Receipt of application (online): 31-Dec-2012
4. Last date of Receipt of Fee: 31-Dec-2012
5. Fee reconciliation and uploaded the status for Information to candidates: 03-Jan-2013
6. Uploading of Admit Card (online): 7-Jan-2013
7. Conduct of written Examination: 20-Jan-2013
8. Declaration of Results: 28-Jan-2013
www.tet.bedpunjab.org, tet.bedpunjab.org, tet bedpunjab| PTET | CTET | Punjab TET | TET | Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test Punjab TET 2013 Online Application formSCHEDULE OF EXAMINATION
www.tet.bedpunjab.org, tet.bedpunjab.org, tet bedpunjab| PTET | CTET | Punjab TET | TET | Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test Punjab TET 2013 Online Application form
www.tet.bedpunjab.org, tet.bedpunjab.org, tet bedpunjab| PTET | CTET | Punjab TET | TET | Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test Punjab TET 2013 Online Application form1. Publish of Advertisement: 16-Dec-2012
2. Online registration process Start: 16-Dec-2012
3. Last date of Receipt of application (online): 31-Dec-2012
4. Last date of Receipt of Fee: 31-Dec-2012
5. Fee reconciliation and uploaded the status for Information to candidates: 03-Jan-2013
6. Uploading of Admit Card (online): 7-Jan-2013
7. Conduct of written Examination: 20-Jan-2013
8. Declaration of Results: 28-Jan-2013
www.tet.bedpunjab.org, tet.bedpunjab.org, tet bedpunjab| PTET | CTET | Punjab TET | TET | Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test Punjab TET 2013 Online Application formSCHEDULE OF EXAMINATION
www.tet.bedpunjab.org, tet.bedpunjab.org, tet bedpunjab| PTET | CTET | Punjab TET | TET | Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test Punjab TET 2013 Online Application form
Paper | Date | Timing | Duration |
Paper-I | 20-01-2013 (Sunday) | 10:00 to 11:30 hrs | 1.30 hrs |
Paper-II | 20-01-2013 (Sunday) | 13:30 to 15:00 hrs | 1.30 hrs |
www.tet.bedpunjab.org, tet.bedpunjab.org, tet bedpunjab| PTET | CTET | Punjab TET | TET | Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test Punjab TET 2013 Online Application form
How to apply online
- The candidate has to apply only online at
. After registering himself/ herself, the candidate to have to pay examination fee based on his/her category by the following ways within prescribed dates & time available on the website –*Deposit the prescribed fee in the bank (listed on website i.e. Axis Bank Ltd. or HDFC Bank Ltd.) in form of E-Payment *Pay through E-Cash Coupon (Available in banks listed on the Website i.e. Axis Bank Ltd. or HDFC Bank Ltd.) - Fill the online application form available on the website tet.bedpunjab.org by clicking at the link PSTET Online Registration.
- The application can be filled online only till 31-12-2012 up to 5.00 PM.
- If by mistake the candidate has filed in wrong data, he/she can correct the data till 31.12.2012 up to 5:00 PM. by entering his/her registration number and password. Henceforth no editing will be done and thereafter data will be locked and no change will be acceptable/ allowed.
- Only online forms will be entertained.
- www.tet.bedpunjab.org, tet.bedpunjab.org, tet bedpunjab| PTET | CTET | Punjab TET | TET | Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test Punjab TET 2013 Online Application form
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