Delhi Police Executive/Dog Handler/ Assistant Wireless Operator/ Tele - Printer Operator/Head Constable/Constable Recruitment/job jan 2013, Delhi Police Executive/Dog Handler/ Assistant Wireless Operator/ Tele - Printer Operator/Head Constable/Constable Recruitment/job jan 2013, Delhi Police Executive/Dog Handler/ Assistant Wireless Operator/ Tele - Printer Operator/Head Constable/Constable Recruitment/job jan 2013
Recruitment of Head Constable (Assistant Wireless Operator/ Tele - Printer Operator) and Head Constable (Ministerial) in Delhi Police - 2013
Applications from Indian nationals are invited to fill up following vacancies in the following category. Recruitment will be held at Delhi for which candidates fulfilling conditions will be considered :
- Head Constable (Assistant Wireless Operator/ Tele - Printer Operator) : 158 posts (142 Open (UR-71, OBC-50, SC-17, ST-4) and 16 Departmental (UR-8, OBC-6, SC-2), Age : 18-27 years as on 01/01/2013, Qualification : 10+2 (Senior Secondary) with Science and Mathematics and NTC in trade of Mechanic-cum-operator / Electronic Communication system
- Head Constable (Ministerial) : 96 posts (UR-48, OBC-14, SC-32, ST-2), Age : 18-25 years as on 01/01/2013, Qualification : 12th pass with speed in English typing on computer 30 WPM OR Speed in Hindi typing on computer 25 WPM
- Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2400/-
- Physical : Height : 170 cm., relaxable by 5 cm for hill people and ST candidates, Chest : 81-85 cm, relaxable by 5 cm for resident of hill and ST candidates.
Application Fee : Rs.100/- in the form of Bank DD/ Banker's Cheque drawn in favour of DCP/ Recruitment Cell, New Police Lines, Delhi. No fee from SC/ST/Ex-SM candidates.
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format alongwith the requisite fee should be send the Post Box No. 8020, Delhi - 110033 on or before 28/02/2013.
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format alongwith the requisite fee should be send the Post Box No. 8020, Delhi - 110033 on or before 28/02/2013.
Recruitment of Temporary Constable (Executive) male and Constable (Dog Handler) Male in Delhi Police - 2013
Applications from Indian nationals are invited to fill up following vacancies in the following category. Recruitment will be held at Delhi for which candidates fulfilling conditions will be considered :
- Constable (Executive) Male : 1045 posts (UR-523, OBC-284, SC-159, ST-79)
- Constable (Dog Handler) Male : 43 posts (UR-21, OBC-12, SC-6, ST-4)
- Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2000/-
- Age : 18-21 years as on 01/01/2013, relaxation in age for reserved categories as per rules.
- Qualification : 10+2 (Senior Secondary), 11th pass for Constable (Bandsmen), (Buglers), (Mounted) , (Drivers) (Dispatch Riders) etc. of Delhi Police and sons of either serving, retired or deceased Delhi Police personnel/ Multi-Tasking Staff of Delhi Police.
- Physical : Height : 170 cm., relaxable by 5 cm for hill people and ST candidates, Chest : 81-85 cm, relaxable by 5 cm for resident of hill and ST candidates.
Application Fee : Rs.100/- in the form of Bank DD/ Banker's Cheque drawn in favour of DCP/ Recruitment Cell, New Police Lines, Delhi. No fee from SC/ST/Ex-SM candidates.
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format alongwith the requisite fee should be send the Post Box No. 8020, Delhi - 110033 on or before 28/02/2013.
Detailed information along with application format will be published in the Employment News dated 26/01/2013 AND/ OR is available at http://delhipolice.nic.in or at http://delhipolicerecruitment. nic.in
Employment News | Rozgar Samachar| Govt. Jobs | Online Job | Rozgar News | Gk.| Results | Government Jobs|How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format alongwith the requisite fee should be send the Post Box No. 8020, Delhi - 110033 on or before 28/02/2013.
Detailed information along with application format will be published in the Employment News dated 26/01/2013 AND/ OR is available at http://delhipolice.nic.in or at http://delhipolicerecruitment.