Maharashtra SET result 2013 - Maharashtra SET result February 2013 - Maharashtra SET February 2013 Result - setexam.unipune.ac.in Results 2013 - unipuneset Result 2013, Maharashtra SET result 2013 - Maharashtra SET result February 2013 - Maharashtra SET February 2013 Result - setexam.unipune.ac.in Results 2013
The examination will be held in objective mode with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on 17 February 2013. The Test will comprise three papers and will be held in two separate sessions of 2 and a half hour each. There will be 60 questions in the first paper of which candidates will have to attempt 50 questions in 1 hour and fifteen minutes. The question paper shall be of general nature intended to evaluate the teaching/research aptitude of the candidate. The questions will be based on reasoning, communication, comprehension, divergent thinking, research and general awareness. However, in paper – II, 50 compulsory questions will be set from the subjects selected by the candidates and the time allotted to solve this paper is one hour and 15 minutes. Paper- III will also be subject-specific and consists of 75 compulsory questions to be answered in two and a half hours. There will be no negative marking.
The candidates will have to secure minimum qualifying marks in each paper separately. The minimum qualifying score required by General candidates is 40, 40 and 75 (50%) in paper-I, II and III respectively. On the other hand, 35, 35, 67.5 (45%) marks in Paper-I, II and III respectively will be required by candidates belonging to OBC category to qualify the examination. However, OBC/PH/VH/SC/ST candidates just need to score 35, 35, 60 in paper – I, II and III to pass the examination.
Here you will find all the result information of competitive exams as well as entrance and university result details too. Our team is visiting various news papers as well as official website and updating the most updated information about result.MAHARASHTRA SET has declared the result .
Position for which result is declared: NA
Result Details : Please visit the official website of MAHARASHTRA SET