Bank of Baroda Clerk recruitment 2012 notification is released to invite online job applications from Indian citizen who have taken CWE Clerk 2011 conducted by IBPS.
BOB Clerk Recruitment 2012 Important Dates:
BOB Clerk Recruitment 2012 Important Dates:
- Bank of Baroda Clerk Application Fee Payment: 24th March to 10th April, 2012
- Opening Date of Bank of Baroda Clerk Online Application: 24th March, 2012
- Closing Date of BOB Clerk Online Application Form: 10th April, 2012
Bank of Baroda Clerk Recruitment 2012 Details:
There are total 2000 vacancies for Clerical Cadre (278 for SC, 204 for ST, 476 for OBC, 1042 for General; out of which 20 for OC, 20 for VI, 20 for HI and out of which 289 for EXSM) in Bank of Baroda.
www.bankofbaroda.com Clerk Recruitment Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates must be Indian citizen to apply for Bank of Baroda Clerk recruitment 2012.
Educational Qualification:
Candidates should have a degree of graduation in any discipline from a recognized university or equivalent to apply for BOB Clerk recruitment 2012.
Age Limit:
Minimum age of candidates should be 18 years and maximum 28 years as on 1st August, 2011 to apply for www.bankofbaroda.com Clerk recruitment 2012.
IBPS Clerk Scorecard:
Individual score should be 24 (21 for SC/ST/OBC/PWD) to apply for Bank of Baroda Clerk recruitment. Details of Total Weighted Standard Scores and Cut off marks state-wise and category-wise are updated in the advertisement details.
Bank of Baroda Clerk Recruitment Method:
Candidates have to secure minimum 40% (35% for reserved candidates) in interview test. Weightage for IBPS CWE and Interview will be 60:40. Shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview. Merit list will be prepared on the basis of IBPS Clerk result 2011-12 and marks of interview to select candidates.
How to Apply:
Candidates need to visit: www.bankofbaroda.com to apply online. They should have a valid email ID (same as IBPS CWE Clerk 2011). They have to click over “Career” then after “Ongoing Recruitment Exercises” visiting: www.bankofbaroda.com to open “Recruitment of Clerical Personnel – Project 2012” getting Online Application Form.
BOB Clerk Recruitment Application Fee:
Candidates have to pay Rs. 150 (Rs. 50 for SC/ST/PWD) to apply for www.bankofbaroda.com Clerk recruitment 2012.
Payment of application fee can be made either “Online” or “Offline”. Online Application Form is integrated to the payment gateway. Candidates can submit application fee while submitting Online Form. They need to take a print out of e-receipt to produce at the time of interview.
Off-line fee can be submitted downloading Challan Form and visiting nearest branch of Bank of Baroda to deposit prescribed amount in Cash in the account number 29040200000257 with Bandra Kurla Complex Branch, Mumbai, in favour of Bank of Baroda 'RECRUITMENT OF CLERICAL PERSONNEL - PROJECT 2012’.
Bank of Baroda Clerk interview call letter will be made available through www.bankofbaroda.com for the shortlisted candidates.
Candidates must read the details of Bank of Baroda Clerk recruitment 2012 at: http://www.bankofbaroda.co.in/download/TR-0003563_Clerk.pdf before applying for 2000 Clerical jobs to know more about how to apply, selection procedure, cut off marks, scorecard, TWS, application fee, Online Form, vacancies, eligibility criteria, educational qualification, age limit, reservation, relaxation, probation period, interview centre, general instructions etc.
Bank of Baroda Clerk Pay Scale:
Finally selected candidates will receive basic pay in time scale of Rs. 7200 – 19300 plus DA, HRA, etc. as per Bipartite Settlement amended from time to time.
BOB Clerk Probation Period:
Finally selected candidates have to serve the probation period of 6 months.
Details of Bank of Baroda Clerk recruitment 2012 notification will be updated at: www.bankofbaroda.com for 2000 Clerical Cadre.
Bank of Baroda Clerk Recruitment 2012, BOB Clerk Recruitment 2012, Bank of Baroda Clerk Recruitment 2012, BOB Notification for 2000 Clerical Cadres
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