Netarhat Vidyalaya Ranchi – Teacher & Officer Vacancies 2012:
Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti has issued notification against recruitment of 32 Teacher and Officer Vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before 30-07-2012. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, application fee details, selection process and how to apply are given below…
Netarhat Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Total Number of Vacancies: 32
Names of Posts:
1. Teacher/Counselor – 30 vacancies
2. Administrative Officer – 01 vacancy
3. Medical Officer – 01 vacancy
Age Limit: Candidates’ age must be below 40 years for Teacher posts and below 35 years for Officer Posts. Cutoff date for determining age limit would be 01-01-2012. (Age relaxations will be extended as
per Govt. rules).
Educational Qualification: Candidates are asked to refer to the notification for the details of post wise and subject wise required educational qualification.
Selection Process: Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in Personal Interview and/or Written Test.
How to Apply: Candidates need to download application format available in the website, fill it with all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature and send it along with copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address, office of the Director, Secondary Education, Human Resources Development Department, MDI Building, HEC, Dhurwa, Ranchi, Jharkhand, Pin-834004 by Registered Post on or before 30-07-2012.
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 30-07-2012
Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti has issued notification against recruitment of 32 Teacher and Officer Vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before 30-07-2012. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, application fee details, selection process and how to apply are given below…
Netarhat Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Total Number of Vacancies: 32
Names of Posts:
1. Teacher/Counselor – 30 vacancies
2. Administrative Officer – 01 vacancy
3. Medical Officer – 01 vacancy
Age Limit: Candidates’ age must be below 40 years for Teacher posts and below 35 years for Officer Posts. Cutoff date for determining age limit would be 01-01-2012. (Age relaxations will be extended as
per Govt. rules).
Educational Qualification: Candidates are asked to refer to the notification for the details of post wise and subject wise required educational qualification.
Selection Process: Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in Personal Interview and/or Written Test.
How to Apply: Candidates need to download application format available in the website, fill it with all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature and send it along with copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address, office of the Director, Secondary Education, Human Resources Development Department, MDI Building, HEC, Dhurwa, Ranchi, Jharkhand, Pin-834004 by Registered Post on or before 30-07-2012.
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 30-07-2012
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