Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) one of the participating Banks in the IBPS Clerk CWE conducted by IBPS in Nov-Dec 2011 had announced its Clerk Recruitment 2012.Under the IOB clerk Recruitment 2012, the bank had invited online applications from those who have taken the IBPS Clerk Common Written Exam and have been issued valid Score cards by IBPS Mumbai.
Number of Vacancies: 1500
Who can apply for Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) Clerk Recruitment 2012 ?
As all of us know that Indian Overseas bank is one of the participating Banks in the IBPS Clerk CWE 2011, So Indian Overseas Bank Clerk Recruitment 2012 is not open for all the candidates and only those candidates who have qualified the IBPS clerk Exam 2011 are eligible to apply
The Detailed eligibility criteria Stipulating Age Limit, Educational Qualifications, IBPS Score Requirement will be published is the Detailed Advt that will be uploaded on the IOB's Official Website (www.iob.in) at the Careers Page.Apart from the Online availability of the Detailed Advt, the same will be published in the Employment Newspaper Dated : 7th July, 2012 or in Subsequent issues.
How to apply for IOB Clerk Recruitment 2012 ?
The Detailed Advt of the IOB Clerk Recruitment 2012 is yet to be published.When the Advt will be out, you are required to go through the eligibility criteria and in Case you satisfy the eligibility criteria then you then must proceed to Submit the Online application at the IOB's Official Website (www.iob.in)
The Procedure for submitting the Online application is mentioned in the Detailed Advt.Application fees whatsoever will have to be deposited in the IOB Branches through a Challan form
Note: Since the IBPS Clerk Recruitment was State/ UT wise, so candidates can apply only for the State/UT where they have appeared in the IBPS Clerk CWE 2011.
Important Dates to apply !
Online Application will start from :29th June, 2012
Online Application will Conclude on : 14th July, 2012
Tentative Dates of the Interview: Aug/Sept, 2012
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