CBSE Patna 10th result 2012 is to be published at 7PM on 24th May, 2012. We already have written about CBSE 10th result 2012 to confirm the date.
CBSE 10th result Patna region can be checked at: www.cbseresults.nic.in online. Now, the official website of CBSE Patna 10th result 2012 has confirmed that the result would be announced at 7PM.
We already had informed about CBSE 10th Chennai results 2012. Now, it is time to check CBSE Class 10 results 2012 by www.cbse.nic.in.
We got a new time for CBSE Patna 10th result 2012 through cbse.examresults.net also. So, students from Bihar and Jharkhand will be able to check CBSE 10th result Patna Region after 7PM.
CBSE 10th result Patna region can be checked at: www.cbseresults.nic.in online. Now, the official website of CBSE Patna 10th result 2012 has confirmed that the result would be announced at 7PM.
We already had informed about CBSE 10th Chennai results 2012. Now, it is time to check CBSE Class 10 results 2012 by www.cbse.nic.in.
We got a new time for CBSE Patna 10th result 2012 through cbse.examresults.net also. So, students from Bihar and Jharkhand will be able to check CBSE 10th result Patna Region after 7PM.
Earlier, time of CBSE Patna 10th result 2012 was confirmed at 4PM. But after 5PM, it is confirmed that CBSE Patna 10th result 2012 would be declared after 7PM on May 24.
So, CBSE 10th result Patna Region time is postponed for a new time. Now, students are advised to log on official website of Central Board of Secondary Education to check CBSE Patna 10th result 2012 online.
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