Indra Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), conducts Term End Annual Examination twice in a year first in the June month and second in the December month for all Under Graduate, Post Graduate, Diploma and Certificate Courses, such as BA, B.Com, MA, M.com, MBA, BBA, BCA, MCA, B.Ed., M.Ed., BPD, BTS, BPP, CIT etc. IGNOU will dispach examination Hall Ticket of all candidates who have depositedIndra Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), conducts Term End Annual Examination twice in a year first in the June month and second in the December month for all Under Graduate, Post Graduate, Diploma and Certificate Courses, such as BA, B.Com, MA, M.com, MBA, BBA, BCA, MCA, B.Ed., M.Ed., BPD, BTS, BPP, CIT etc. IGNOU will dispach examination Hall Ticket of all candidates who have depositedIndra Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), conducts Term End Annual Examination twice in a year first in the June month and second in the December month for all Under Graduate, Post Graduate, Diploma and Certificate Courses, such as BA, B.Com, MA, M.com, MBA, BBA, BCA, MCA, B.Ed., M.Ed., BPD, BTS, BPP, CIT etc. IGNOU will dispach examination Hall Ticket of all candidates who have depositedEmployment News | Rozgar Samachar| Govt. Jobs | Online Job | Rozgar News | Gk.| Results | Government Jobs|