NIMCET Result 2012 :- National institute of technology (NITs) every year conducts an entrance exam for admission to MCA programs in various states. In 2012 NIMCET entrance exam was held on 20th May 2012. Those candidates who are appeared in exam check out their NIMCET Result 2012 at www.nimcet2012.nitw.ac.in or www.nitw.ac.in tentative date 05.06.2012. After result declaration counseling will be starts from 12rh June 2012 to 18th June 2012.
There are negative marking for Nimcet entrance exam one mark will lead for wrong answer and correct answer will be carry 04 marks for each question. If the candidates give two answers for one question will be lead one mark negative marking. There are total 120 questions in examination paper 50 questions from mathematics, 40 Analytical Ability &Logical Reasoning, 10 computer awareness and 20 questions of general English. Candidates Nimcet rank card will be sent at aspirants email id separate rank card will not be issued to aspirants. The rank card will be saved at Nimcet-2012 online website and participating institutes’ websites.
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