Application Deadline:http://dibru.ac.in/files/tenders_notices/Notice459.pdf
To be submitted to the Deputy Registrar (Academic), D.U. on or before 18.10.2012
Applications in prescribed form are invited from Master Degree holders of recognised Universities securing 50% marks or equivalent grade point for appearing in the Dibrugarh University Research Admission Test (DURAT) to be held on 18.11.2012 for admission to the Ph.D. and M.Phil programmes for the session 2012-2013 in the following subjects:
Ph.D: anthropology, Applied Geology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Commerce, Economics, History, Life-Sciences, Management, Mathematics, Petroleum Technology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physics, Social Work, Sociology, Statistics. Bioinformatics, Philosophy, Education, Geography.
M.Phil: Assamese, Chemistry, Commerce, Economics, Education, History, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science, Statistics and Sociology.
Application Forms may be obtained from the Office of the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Dibrugarh Universityfrom 18.09.2012on payment of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred) only in the University Cash Counter. The Application Forms may also be downloaded from the web site- http://dibru.ac.in,which shall have to be accompanied by a draft of Rs.500/- (Application Fee:100/- + Examination Fee:400/- drawn in favour of “REGISTRAR, DIBRUGARH UNIVERSITY” inSTATE BANK OF INDIA, DIBRUGARH UNIVERSITY BRANCH (Code No. 2051).Completed Application Forms along with all necessary testimonials should reach the Office of the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Dibrugarh Universityon or before 18.10.2012along with the Examination Fee of Rs.400/- only.The University authorities shall however, not be responsible for non-delivery/late delivery of forms sent by post.
NB: Admission in Ph.D. & M. Phil Programmes shall be given as per the availability of seats and feasibility to conduct the progrmmes in the teaching departments /centre of studies concerned. Details of the DURAT, 2012 is provided in the Information Sheet enclosed with the Application Form.
1. DURAT, 2012 shall be conducted to select eligible candidates for admission to the M.Phil and Ph.D programmes of Dibrugarh University in the session 2012-2013.
2. Master Degree holders of recognised Universities securing 50% marks or equivalent grade point shall be eligible to appear in the DURAT, 2012 in the following subjects:
Ph.D.: Anthropology, Applied Geology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Commerce, Economics, History, Life-Sciences, Management, Mathematics, Petroleum Technology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physics, Sociology, Statistics. Bioinformatics, Philosophy, Education, Geography, Social Work.
M.Phil: Assamese, Chemistry, Commerce, Economics, Education, History, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science, Statistics and Sociology.
3. The DURAT shall consist of two papers as below:
a. Paper I (General Aptitude Test): The objective of this paper is to test candidate’s basic knowledge in the relevant fields. The current UGC-NET and CSIR-NET Syllabuses shall be followed for the Paper I of the DURAT for Arts & Humanities and Science & Technology respectively. This paper shall carry 30 marks and the duration of examination shall be of 30 (thirty) minutes. The questions of this paper shall be of objective type multiple choice in nature and shall carry 1 (one) mark each.
b. Paper II (Knowledge on the subject): This paper shall carry 70 marks and the duration of examination shall be of two and half (21/2) hours. Questions of this paper shall be on the subject of postgraduate degree concerned. Each question of this paper shall be descriptive in nature and each question shall carry maximum 10 marks.
4. The minimum marks for clearing the DURAT to be eligible for Ph.D. Programme shall be 30% in each paper and 45% in aggregate.
5. The minimum marks for clearing the DURAT to be eligible for M.Phil. Programme shall be 30% in each paper.
6. Validity of the DURAT score shall be for a period of three (3) years.
(i) Important dates for DURAT, 2012:
(a) Date of issue of application forms : 18.09.2012
(b) Last date of issue and submission of application forms : 18.10.2012
(c) Date of examination : 18.11.2012
(d) Declaration of result : 12.12.2012
(ii) Examination Timings:
Paper I (General Aptitude Test) : 11.00 A.M. to 11.30 A.M.
Paper II (Knowledge on the subject) : 11.40 A.M. to 2.10 P.M.
(iii) Examination Fee : Rs.400/-for the applicants of all categories
(iv) Examination Centre : There shall be one examination centre in the Dibrugarh University campus.Employment News | Rozgar Samachar| Govt. Jobs | Online Job | Rozgar News | Gk.| Results | Government Jobs|