RPSC steno result 2011-2012 has been declared. The announcement of results had ended the long wait of the aspirants who had appeared for the examinations.
Earlier thousands of students had appeared for the Rajasthan RPSC stenographer examination. ANd all these aspirants were waiting for the declaration of results.
Here it is worth noting that previously RPSC had announced result of phase 1 on 24-04-2012. This result will be additional to the previous list
RPSC steno result 2011-2012 has been declared. The announcement of results had ended the long wait of the aspirants who had appeared for the examinations.
Earlier thousands of students had appeared for the Rajasthan RPSC stenographer examination. ANd all these aspirants were waiting for the declaration of results.
Here it is worth noting that previously RPSC had announced result of phase 1 on 24-04-2012. This result will be additional to the previous list
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