Indian Army Havildar Group X and Y Recruitment Admit Card / Hall ticket 2012 for written test , Indian Army Havildar Group X and Y Exam Answer key, Results, Solution Solved paper Merit List, Cut Off list etc. Indian Army will be going to conducts Havildar Group X and Y recruitment written exam on upcoming days. Around thousands of interested and intelligent candidates are registered and participate in Indian Army Havildar Group X and Y Recruitment written exam .
So candidates who will be going to given Indian Army Havildar Group X and Y written test , they need admit card / hall ticket for sit in examination hall centers. Indian army has already sent admit card /hall ticket to all eligible candidates for Havildar Group X and Y recruitment written test by posts. Candidates who have not received his/her admit card due to postal delay or any other reason , they can be download duplicate admit card through Indian Army official website.
Candidates our team found Indian Army Havildar Group X and Y Recruitment Admit card download link. which is published below. You can go to visit given below mentioned link and get fast download their admit card / hall ticket online. Candidates need to enter their application number or roll number in provide above box. Candidats if you have any query about Indian Army Havildar Group X and Y Recruitment , write us through below coment box. Our team always ready for help you.
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