HAL, Helicopter Division is currently looking for candidates for appointment as Diploma Trainee / Technician Trainee
Special Recruitment Drive For Schedule Tribes (ST)
Sl. No | Advt. No | Post & Discipline | No of Posts | Qualification |
1 | HC/HR/SRD/DIPEE/01 | Diploma Trainee (Electrical) | 02 | Diploma in Electrical Engg. |
2 | HC/HR/ SRD/DIPME/01 | Diploma Trainee (Mechanical) | 08 | Diploma in Mechanical Engg |
3 | HC/HR/SRD/DIPCE/01 | Diploma Trainee (Civil) | 01 | Diploma in Civil Engg. |
4 | HC/HR/SRD/TTFIT//01 | Technician Trainee (Fitter) | 19 | NAC (Fitter) |
Age limit: 33 years as on 07.06.2012.
Emoluments: Diploma Trainee : Rs. 14495 & Technician Trainee: Rs. 13711
Selection: Eligible candidates short-listed based on the initial screening will be called for Written Test. Candidates qualified/short listed after the written test will be called for Practical/ Trade Test (wherever applicable) and Personal Interview. Date, Time and Venue of the Written Test/ Practical Test/ Interview will be intimated to the short-listed / eligible candidates by E-mail / HAL Website
Apply Online. On submission and acceptance of application, system will generate the Registration/ Acknowledgement form along with the Application reference number allotted, which will be used for future references. The candidate is required to take print out of the Acknowledgement form in A4 size paper and forward the same to the address given below, subscribing on the envelop, in bold, the post applied for, discipline and advertisement No, so as to reach latest by 21.06.2012. The last date for submission of online application is 07.06.2012. Printed online registration / acknowledgement are to be sent to the Following address:
Chief Manager (HR), Hindustan
Aeronautics Limited, Helicopter
Division, P.B.NO. 1790,
Vimanapura Post, Bangalore-560017
Employment News | Rozgar Samachar| Govt. Jobs | Online Job | Rozgar News | Gk.| Results | Government Jobs|