Clerk Shortlisted candidate list has been published by Corporation bank for the four states . Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh & Uttarkhand . The roll number of qualified and shortlisted candidate has been uploaded in PDF format. Candidate can check the Corporation bank Single Window Clerk Position 2012-2013.Single Window Clerk 2012-2013 Short Listed Candidate – Rajasthan, UP, Gujarat, Uttarkhand Roll no are below :
1330120972 1330178595 1330182406 1330197336 1330306539
1330325725 1330326898 1330345194 1330345550 1330364495
1330364524 1330364534 1330365406 1330384182 1330384212
1330385356 1330507691 1330508371 1330508640 1330509162
1330509273 1330527913 1330546875 1330548642 1330548899
1330549473 1330550429 1330550664 1330551031 1330565942
1330566087 1330566478 1330567015 1330567299 1330567497
1330567837 1330568100 1330568200 1330568859 1330569254
1330569751 1330570558 1330587419 1330587874 1330587886
1330588442 1330589187 1330589777 1330714703 1330716781
1330734357 1330734402 1330734748 1330751664 1330755997
1330757761 1330771854 1330772966 1330773250 1330774276
1330775372 1330775743 1330775981 1330790812 1330792589
1330793435 1330858217 1330895760 1330896967 1331538795
1331538827 1331558000 1331558001 1331577648 1331596870
1340501680 1340709092 1350300673 1350301607 1350303212
1350304650 1351504394 1351509242 1361506468 1361506477
1370121648 1370510066 1370523038 1370523595 1370524683
1370705771 1370712272 1370712845 1370713974 1370725571
1380307027 1380307789 1380311691 1380312267 1380313189
1380503040 1380503614 1380508645 1380508766 1380508786
1380509013 1381305171 1390100245 1390100699 1390101366
1390311285 1390312769 1390321037 1390515006 1390523584
1390524178 1390706431 1390707252 1390708799 1390715744
1390715909 1390716900 1390908918 1391308936 1391308943
1391509001 1391509043 1391518333 1391518347 1391527421
3020303706 3020304524 3020504848 3020506603 3020507345
3020507632 3020507897 3020509612 3020716358 3021516507
1930109139 1930510387 1930513961 1930519491 1930611407
1930703810 1930707163 1930715786 1930716461 1930716531
1931508043 1940102273 1940190838 1940354608 1940355257
1940356339 1940399108 1940532647 1940737743 1940785297
1940786721 1940788355 1941589873 1950142805 1950228513
1950504944 1950514239 1951320112 1951340332 1951360556
1951509959 1951509963 1951510006 1951520187 1951560576
1960105378 1960324868 1960520652 1960726553 1970109733
1970123091 1970502556 1970721815 2510135521 2510136699
2510138883 2510143117 2510344159 2510345169 2510347400
2510512217 2510513204 2510557580 2510558258 2510559222
2510559966 2510730134 2510732612 2510769765 2510771913
2510775548 2510777039 2510779242 2520131385 2520559186
2520719248 2520760079 2520761581 2520762125 2520766530
2060105678 2060131203 2060131717 2060563606 2060565832
2060597027 2060716728 2060717888 2060720543 2060722754
2060724698 2060726449 2060745775 2060746750 2060880031
2061326719 2061326798 2061381806 2061526825 2061526869
2061554776 2070139551 2070140445 2070506567 2070725545
2070812338 2071350852 2071539157 2080102529 2080507331
2080526931 2080712107 2080712326 2081316312 2081516321
2081533947 2090117941 2090130781 2090542805 2090814843
2100148101 2100149731 2100167109 2100510382 2100550278
2100571147 2100714655 2100719261 2100720443 2100737394
2100738564 2100758430 2100773920 2100774562 2100780188
2100780392 2100781087 2100882936 2101521594 2101521655
2101543807 2101543835 2101563171 2110103490 2110124720
2110125022 2110129866 2110151427 2110155073 2110176775
2110178021 2110178470 2110179023 2110199448 2110199726
2110199897 2110330363 2110355346 2110507522 2110510175
2110510390 2110511558 2110530808 2110532284 2110532756
2110535710 2110535926 2110556769 2110557017 2110558811
2110559010 2110559314 2110581534 2110581829 2110582557
2110582844 2110584984 2110585003 2110585174 2110585474
2110587303 2110674351 2110715498 2110717361 2110718025
2110718846 2110718888 2110720795 2110746063 2110749156
2110764978 2110765588 2110766096 2110766304 2110768265
2110768395 2110768632 2110768875 2110770210 2110770307
2110771060 2110771211 2110771862 2110789754 2110792694
2110795359 2110795835 2110796799 2110797234 2110798360
2111524292 2111524402 2120123265 2120126334 2120145553
2120146485 2120160338 2120161381 2120534469 2120563619
2120564848 2120741044 2120757885 2120769038 2120769139
2121520180 2121520278 2121543983 2121544025 2121544037
2130526778 2130712953 2130731621 2130749998 3030703106
3040104830 3040715219 3040715252 3040720582 3040823296
2140100411 2140101092 2140111523 2140112783 2140122204
2140324517 2140513832 2140535055 2140705615 2140706349
2140707193 2140716208 2140717066 2140719612 2140719779
2140727779 2140729758 2140731273 2140741207 2140741828
2141510281 2141531351 2141531375 2141541968 2150702992
Candidate can check all the above shortlisted corporation bank clerk roll no : Click Here
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